Monday, March 28, 2011

Being friends with Jesus!!!

 How to start this one here, well lets see...wait I know..I have to thank God and give him praise for him being worthy, and forgiven and not being like man, thank you so much God for all that you do and continue to do in my life. Thank you so,so, so much for being a real friend. You know how long I have longed for and wanted a friend on this earth. Even going so far as  be friending people on my own, not even knowing that I could and should  seek you on the matter. When all  alone, you were there, just waiting for me to let you use me. You gave me your word and that was proof enough to let me know, that you had my back. It took a long time for me to understand why, I still couldn't find a real friend and I tried to avoid the whole matter and not even let it enter as a problem and I even prayed about it and I know, that you just want me to keep waiting on you. It is all so clear and that is what I shall do and that is wait.
 I am so glad that tonight topic in my cell group was Being friends with Jesus from the Purpose Driven Life book. I am so glad to know that he truly calls me friend. We often forget that, Jesus is our best friend, nothing that you say or do goes unnoticed to him at all. It gets no better than him really. You can speak to him all day and he want ignore you. He is patient and honest with you and knows all of your dirt, and never will he judge you. As long as he calls me his friend, nothing else really matters to me. Advice to all, who reads this, that have accepted Christ as your lord and savior. Before making any moves in your life and I don't care what it is, seek him and wait before making any movements. This thing is so real, and I refuse to go through it again. I got off the topic from the book some what, but I had to share.

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