Friday, October 22, 2010

A Story To Tell!!!

Me and Kiplin  looking at the oldest Mason, as he take our picture.
Kip is too cute!!!

 I work as a Nanny and I teach two little boys. The oldest is seven and the youngest is three. They are a joy to be around. I take pictures of them from time to time, because just like teaching, I also love taking pictures. Well, today  I decided I would take some pictures of the boys. The oldest wanted to take pictures of me after I took his, he did  really good. I just did a little editing and added some soft touches to the photo's. I just wanted to share his work.

First Picture

Second Picture

Third Picture

This is mason the oldest isn't he cute!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

My singles group at the Aquarium in Atlanta Georgia

lol..this otter was too cute!!

What a great day this was to get out. I had a great time at the Aquarium with my singles group and looking at God's creations, it really just  had me reflecting on how amazing  God is. I was so nervous about going inside the tanks. My fear of water is so crazy and I had to remind myself that God hasn't given me a spirit of fear. I still couldn't actally tackle that fear, so I went into the biggest tank there was at the Aquarium and I was still nervous, but I did it. I can't wait until our next outing. Here are some pictures I wanted to share!!

NLC Singles

Inside the Ocean Voyager, the biggest tank at the Aquarium

The Albino Alligator, I really liked this

The otter was so cute, he was trying to eat right here

These fish are so pretty

The tank I wouldn't enter and got a shot of it from the back

Friday, October 8, 2010

Getting In Shape With God

It's not good to be overweight at all for heath reasons. Living for God and doing the things that he is calling you to do, you need to be not only in shape in the physical, but also in shape in the word. I have been dealing with my weight every since I was a kid and I have tried many diets. I learned that Diet's are not what I need; I need to get more in tune with what God will have me to do, to get in the shape that he needs me to be in. I am setting a goal weight and praying that God will renew my mind during this process because to me getting weight off is discipline and total control of the flesh. I am praying that God will help me start telling my flesh no and when it gets to hard, I pray that he will step in and take charge

So I have been in a routine of walking while taking God alone the way and it feels great.  I have been at it for about three weeks now. I even did a little jogging along the way, gotta start out Here is a picture of me at my biggest weight. I will keep updating as I down in size. Below is a picture of me at my biggest.
I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength...Philippians 4:13