Saturday, September 8, 2012


It has been a very long time, since I logged my results and sadly I have fallen off big time, but the mindset is still there, so I will continue on going no matter how much I fail. I weighed in on Friday, I needed to know how much weight I have gained and to my amazement I actually lost four pounds. I was excited about that and I figured, that I needed to keep on going. I can't believe that this is day 83. If I would have kept my workout up, I would have noticed a big result in weight loss. No time to dwell on what if, because I am moving on forward. I am determined to get this temple right no matter what. I wanted to just post a result. I will post my daily routines tomorrow. I am gonna let God shift me on through this process and allow him to work in me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Wow, I have missed a whole week of writing down things. I have to say that my last weigh in, I didn't lose anything and nor did I gain any either. It is good that I didn't gain, but I hate that I did all that work and I was still the same weight. I must admit, that this really made me want to quit this whole thing, but I know I have to keep going. I didn't eat bad, but my work out was not good as I would have liked for it to be. I am still determined to get this weight off and so I am gonna keep going. God wants to do new things and I am gonna allow him to do that.

Day 58

Breakfast: I ate two hash browns and one boiled egg, with a glass of water
Lunch: I skipped
Snack: A small bag of chips
Dinner: grilled piece of pork chop, green beans and two pieces of muffin breads and kool-aid

I jogged today, at my normal pace.

My goals for tomorrow is to start working on some stomach exercise and to eat better than today.I am still gonna keep working on this temple.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


What great day, this has been I am ready to break through another week and let God guide me through. I have missed a lot of days recording my daily walk in this new healthy life. I can't believe I haven't posted since Tuesday. I have still been eating the same and getting in my workouts so I am still on the same page.

Day 49

Lunch: I had my breakfast as my Lunch. Two pieces of sausages and a half one with toast and a glass of water
Dinner: A piece of turkey breast, carrots, banana and a glass of water

I jogged and walked today my normal length of workout.

I am going into another week and tomorrow is weigh in, I would love to have lost at least four pounds and more if I can get I am so excited about my progress and even if I didn't lose, I will not give up and I will keep going. This week, I want to spend more time reading in the word and praying. I also want to get more look at my math. So I am gonna put myself on a plan. I need to get to bed early and get things done that I have neglecting and I so as far as well as more workout. I want to include these things. God will be with me:)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


God is doing some amazing things in my life. He is so good, I never have made it this far on eating right and getting daily exercises before. I would usually go for like a week and a half and then stop. I know that, this is no body but God's doing and I am so thankful for all he is doing and will do. I am beating my flesh and not letting it beat me. I am winning.

Day 44

Breakfast: Two- boiled eggs, two hash browns and a glass of water.
Snack: A grab bag of nacho rings chips

I skipped lunch and dinner. I know that, that wasn't such a smart move, but I will keep on pushing. I did however, walk and Jog today for my normal time and I did 10 sets of jump roping. I was so tired, but I got it done.....Yay me:)

Tomorrow I plan to really get in more stomach exercises and get into my math along with reading more of the word. God is covering me and I thank him.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Well, today was an okay day, I haven't recorded anything since Wednesday, but my eating ways are still good. I also worked out during my time away from recording. I guess I have developed a rotiune and it is going good. I weighed in today and only lost a pound. I was a little upset, but the good news is that I am no longer in the 80's, but I am at 79. I can be glad about that, because I am knocking these pounds off of me thank you Jesus. I am so impressed that I am actually sticking to this way of living.
I shouldn't be because I knew that God would get me to where I need to be. I think I last posted about getting away from the computer some. Well, that would really be nice for I am just about finished on the last wedding that I did. I posted I would no longer do them, but I possibly have two coming up. I am gonna just shut my mouth and let God bring forth increase and thank him. He is trying to do something in me and I am pushing away, I am gonna just let him do him.

Day 43

Breakfast: a piece of bacon, a piece of toast and a glass of water
Lunch: one hot dog on bread, a few raisins and a glass of water
Dinner: grilled pork chop on the for man, green beans a small portion, mac and cheeses a small portion and a glass of water.

Today I jumped roped to the books of the bible, it is interesting, try In the afternoon, I did my jog and walked.During this week, I plan to get in more sit ups and other exercises that works the stomach. Also focus on getting this math out the way, I can't keep putting it aside. If God is helping me with the weight loss he will help me pass this test. I really love kids and I want so bad to work with them, but it seem as if there is something blocking me, but I don't care how long it takes. I will not give up and I want be defeated. God is about to do something big in my life, I know that he is. Gonna keep working on this temple:)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well, today was just as God made it and I had no complaints about it at all. It was truly his his day and I rejoiced in it and I was totally glad. I actually got to see the birth of a baby, and I captured it. That was so neat and I am so blessed to have been apart of it. That through me off my workout, but I didn't mess up my eating plan to bad.

Day 38

Breakfast: Banana and water
Lunch: Smart one weight watchers dinner. Steak with mac and cheese with water
Snack: small bag of chips
Dinner: Grilled chicken stoffer dinner with veggies in it. I only ate a little of it and then a few chips

Well, tomorrow I plan to get back into my workout. There is no time to slack off I gotta knock off these 80 pounds. Praying that God will bless my tomorrow:)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thirty- Seven

Well, today was a boring day, well it started out that way. I thank God for it though, because some people didn't even live to tell about it. So we need to be thankful for all of our days, rather they are good or bad. I did okay today I guess with the workout process. I went to the movies, so I didn't get to do any afternoon exercise. I am so thankful for my brother, he went to the movies with me. I normally go alone, which at first I use to feel awkward about going alone, but then I got to where. I just really didn't care anymore, because it is me alone. I wanna do fun things and I want let not having hang out buddies stop that, any how I enjoyed the movie.


Day 37

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs, Two hash browns and a glass of water
Lunch: Banana and a glass of water
Snack: Medium Popcorn at movies with regular lemonade (Yeah, very
Dinner: McDonald's chicken sandwhich(which was very nasty) a medium french fries and a medium sprite

I jogged this morning and it was my exercise for the day. Well, one thing I do know is that I am improving because that meal from McDonald's was terrible and that Medium meal filled me up. Well, I will push on some more tomorrow.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Blessings from God, today was wonderful and it was also weigh in day. God is so good, and he keeps on doing great things for me. I lost 4 pounds today, I would have liked for it to have been more, but I am doing this thing right. I am so excited that Jesus has heard my cries and I am no longer eating food that isn't good for me as much as I was and I am showing myself approved by working out and eating right and I see God working. All glory belongs to him. I will be doing me a photo shoot soon of myself, it is time to get those before shots going. It is also time for me to make myself get back on my math. Because just as I am showing my self approved on this workout, I can do the same with this math. I thank God so much for the things he is doing in my life and will continue to do.

Day 36

I skipped breakfast due to me walking late and I went and weighed in, I gotta stop that missing breakfast.
Lunch: I had  the other half of my sub and a bag of chips I got yesterday from subway with and a glass of water.
Dinner: I had two piece of grilled cube steaks, corn and a glass of kool-aid

I jogged this morning and I walked this afternoon.

Time to go harder tomorrow and throw in some jump rope time and more jogging tomorrow. My target weight loss for this week is 4 or more pounds. I am determine to reach 200 before the winter and now I have to knock off  80 pounds and by the grace of God it will be done. I will continue working on this temple that God owns.


Well, I know it is late and I am fighting my sleep and I shouldn't be, I want to record my days 34 and 35. I had very busy weekend of picture taking, I must add that this and it is off the subject of my healthy recording, but I have to post it. You know it is so sad when you are not accepted by family members and totally over looked and talked about behind your back. I am a friendly and nice person and I give to all if I could and out the kindness of my heart I did a gracious thing for a family member and I was treated very cold. I am posting this as a lesson learned for someone who may read what I am writing. You see I could turn into this cold hearted mean person, but that is not me and I am a follower of Jesus, so I gotta make him look good in all things and at all times. I am gonna press on and not worry about yesterday's problems and leave yesterday with all its problems and forget it. I was mad, but God is still shaping and molding me and he wants to take me, to some places. So I have to be Christ like in all I do. I have decided to step away from weddings until I basically upgrade and learn a little more about photographing them. I had a very challenging experience on Saturday, that gave me the answer I needed to just announce no more weddings. I had to get that out, one more last time. Today was a better day, and I thank God for it.

Day 33

I only had water and one soda during breakfast and lunch. For dinner, I had McDonald's I got a cheese burger with lettus, Medium French Fries, and Medium Sprite. My exercise that day was shooting pics at a wedding. I had a full workout with that and it was no joke.

Day 34

Breakfast:Two egg and a piece of toast with a glass of water.
Lunch: Skipped
Dinner: Subway 6inch sandwich, a few chips and a glass of water

Exercise was more pictures.

So tomorrow is weigh in for me and I am nervous, but I hope I didn't gain if I didn't lose anything, but the scale will tell. This week I plan to work harder on my working out and getting in my studies more. I am also gonna work on staying in tune with God, when I am faced with obstacles. I am still gonna stick to God's word and do his will.

Friday, July 20, 2012


 Well, today was good, but I didn't get to do any exercises today. However, I had a photo shoot today and I was all over the place so I am considering that my workout for today. I am so glad that God has given me this talent of photography. I don't have all the materials I need and I don't have the right camera. I had to stop thinking and wishing that I had all I need for this business, because God is leading this business. He gave me the talent and the things I do have for it now. God will supply and I am putting all that in his hands. I am gonna continue to love my camera, that I have now and treat it as I would if I had the big one:)

Day 33

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and a piece of toast with a glass of water
Lunch: I
Dinner: I have fast food, from a chicken restaurant. I got two pieces of fried wings, and french fries and I had a glass of kool-aid with it.

I hate I didn't get to do my jog in and I am gonna try my best to get it in at least once  tomorrow. I am booked all weekend with taken pictures and so I will use that as a workout if I don't get one, but I will be careful with what I eat. I have a wedding tomorrow it will be the forth one that I have done with my little camera and I am praying for nice weather as well as covering over me as I do this shoot dealing with many different personalities.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


God granted me with another day and I so very thankful for it. I woke a litter later, than normal, so I had a late start today. I was thinking today, that I seriously need to get in more study time. I am 31 and I don't want to be in my 40's still trying to pass this test. I am seriously gonna have to pull in some study time and let the PC go for a while, well It seems as if I have gotten addicted to it again. I am gonna work on that while maintaining my weight loss. God will help me out so I will just put myself out there to get the work done.

Day 32

Breakfast/Lunch: Two hash browns and one boiled egg and glass of water
Dinner: Two small ground beef patties on the foreman grill, Carrots and a glass of water

I jogged on and walked on and off in the morning and the afternoon...YaY me. God is so good, I also haven't been recording it, but I I have been doing some stomach exercise such as sit ups and stomach crunches and tonight I will be doing thirty crunches.

I totally feel better about my eating habits today, than I did yesterday, but hey I had a weak moment and I will have to avoid having those if I want to meet my goal.I am excited about my outcome of the day and I am gonna keep it up over the weekend as much as I can I have some photo shoots and a wedding which I am shooting as a gift to my cousin and it is a party of thirty so yes, I shall get my exercise, I am so glad my breathing when I am running around has gotten better, well excited about the plans that God has for me tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Thanking God for another day on my life changes. I found the hunger once again creepy up on me and I gave in. I started off right, but later I gave in. I didn't do well at all today as I would have liked, but I will push harder tomorrow.

Day 31

Breakfast: Two hash browns, and two boiled eggs and a glass of kool-aid
Lunch: Tuna with six saltines, and a glass of water
Dinner: Two small pieces of chicken breast, carrots and a Sprite. Sadly before it I ate a grab bag of cheddar chips and after, I ate two brownies,totally was full and my stomach was hurting. I believe that my stomach is shrinking because usually before I changed my eating habits, I could take all that food. I guess I better not try and try it again.

I got in my jog today and I actually jogged a little longer..yay me. That is another thing I need to keep watch on pertaining my eating habits. If I put unwanted junk in my body, it will only make me not want to jog or do any exercise. So I will keep in mind that I want to do my 5k, and I really need to push myself and even more when those hunger spells come on me or shall I say temptations, because that is all it is. My biggest goal is to, get to 200 pounds before the winter and I need to knock off these 84 pounds to get there and I know that with the help of God and me showing myself approved, and I know  it can be done. Aiming for 5 pound or more next week, remembering also that this is God's temple. I Need to post a big and I will do so once I reach 200. I will do a before and after shot. Well, about to do my sit ups and call it a night:)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Great day today,I guess you can say, I am blessed to still be here, alive and well and looking ahead and not back. God is still working in my life daily and I just have to continue letting him work. I was so hungry today and I wanted more than what I had today or shall I say I wanted food, that was bad for me, but because of the grace of God. I fought that temptation and I am proud of me. I will have to not slack on my weekends, because it messes with my whole week. God is in control and I thank him for that, because. I can't do this thing alone. I also find myself not spending enough time in his word, I have allowed the Internet to consume a a lot of my time. I will have to cut back on Internet world and get in my time with God as well as Math time. We always want God to do a work in our lives, well we too have to show ourselves approved.

Day 30

Breakfast:two small pieces of sausages, piece of toast and a glass of water
Lunch: small amount of chicken noodle soup, five saltines and a glass of kool-aid
Snack: a few rasians
Dinner: two small baked chicken legs, small portion of mac and cheese, small portion of green beans, half glass of kool-aid and a glass of water.

I got my jog in this morning after breakfast. I timed myself and it is bad, but it is a start. I jog at the space of the light poles. It was only a minute jog and considering the length of the poles if you ask me as a start out. I am impressed, that I lasted a So I jog the space of the poles and walk some and jog some more. I only do it walking down my walking trail. My challenge will be to do it going down as well as coming up. I will do it at my pace, because actually as I was jogging today, I was less tired than before, so that is a good sign. So I am gonna challenge myself to jog a little longer tomorrow if it doesn't rain. I had to get on my treadmill tonight and I didn't want to, because I rather be out walking in nature, but hey God had to take care of the outside world and I am thankful for the rain. I treaded until I sweated and I forgot to time myself. That is becoming a habit so looks like I will have to pull out the watch. Well, I am  gonna keep working on my temple.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Wonderful day today, I know I have been M.I.A and the scale showed that today. My weekend eating habits wasn't to bad, but it wasn't good either. So I am forming a habit and I don't like it. I weighed today and I am still the same, from last weigh in. I fell to temptation and got lazy. I am gonna push on and keep going. I will beat this tempter out. I am telling this flesh of mine right now. "You will not do what feels good, but you will do what's right"

Day 29

Breakast: I didn't have anything
Lunch: Subway sandwhich, two peanut butter cookies and glass of water
Dinner: a Piece of baked pork chop, carrots, stewed totamos, white rice and a glass of water all was portioned out.

I jogged for about 15min today, it seems to becoming easier, I gotta keep it up.

Well, tomorrow since I am starting back I gotta stick to my routine and keep in mind that I am taking care of Gods temple.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


It is very late I know and actually it is day 26, but I needed to record my day and I can't sleep. I gotta get the sleeping in order also.Today was great and I felt so good, God is working.

Day 25

Breakfast, I had two piece of sausages small, a piece of toast and a glass of Kool-aid. I will give up the sausages a little. I jump roped for a good bit today about 15mins.... Yay me. Lunch, I had a tuna to go a glass of water and shortly after I was tempted with a brownie, there were two in the pack, but I ate just one. I then jogged my normal walking distance, I tried to jog back, but I don't think the body is ready for that just yet. Dinner, I ate two small grilled chicken breast, cream corn and green beans with a glass of kool-aid. I also finished off the other brownie.

I gotta get better with the sleep tomorrow as well as some stomach exercises. God is still working on this temple.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day Twenty-Four

Greatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt day, for me today in the working out department. I feel a lot better and not to full, that is one thing in starting this healthy life style change I wanted to get accomplished and it has come to pass. I am not a diabetic and I don't plan to be so knowing that I taking better care of my health is a big plus. God is so go and he is not done with me yet.

Day 24

For breakfast today, I ate two pieces of sausages and a piece of toast with a glass of water.(I am really not big on the breakfast food, but I am gonna find something eles to eat in the morning that isn't bad, I gotta change it up. I am totally worried about eating the eggs like I do, I don't think that is a good thing). I actually jump roped again today, I did about three sets of seven(for some reason, the rope kept stopping at I will get better at it the more I try) them. For lunch, I ate a peiece of watermeleon and two pringle chips and a half (third one was and also a glass of water. I did my afternoon exercise. I jogged some and walked, I didn't time it, so I gotta do that next time. Dinner time I ate a piece of grilled chicken breast from the foreman grill, diced totamoes, green beans, Mexican rice and a glass of kool-aid. Before bed, I will do at least twenty crunches.

Well, prepared to see what tomorrow will bring, but I do want to jog more. I was gonna do a 5k last fall and well, my goal is to accomplish that by next summer. Well, I am gonna let God keep working on this temple.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day Twenty-Three

A great day today once again, I am still focusing on this temple and wanting to please God. I also have decided that since I am no longer working. I will use this free time to focus more on God and let him to prepare me for the next task he will have for me. I don't know where he will lead me, but I am praying that where ever he sends me. I will be prepared for that task. God is so good and he will amaze you. So I am gonna let him use me. 

Day 23

For breakfast I had two boiled eggs, a piece of toast and a glass of water. My morning exercises I actually jumped roped, I did three sets of ten and I think that is how I will start out. I could never jump rope as a little child. I know my dogs were laughing at skipped lunch, but I guess the french fries from zaxby's was a lunch along with a sprite and I had about seven pringle chips(very bad I know). I did my normal afternoon walk. For dinner, I had a piece of  baked cube steak, green beans from yesterday, mashed potato's and a glass of water. Yeah, I had to many Tatars today. My dinner was portioned and it filled me up.

Well, I plan to jump rope more tomorrow and add in some sit ups at night or something. I am gonna just let God lead. Still working on this temple, thank God for another day of not bad eating...Yay:)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day Twenty-Two

Well, I have been missing a lot of days and apparently, recording my days are helping with my weight loss. Last  weigh in was not good, but I was content with the results, because I didn't gain, or lose any I remained at the same weight. That scared me a little, because I wanted to hit my target weight lose for that week and lose 4 pounds, but that didn't happen. Well, I weighed in today and I have lost five more pounds. I am so excited and thrilled about that, I gotta keep it going and that has encouraged me all the more. Now with it being my 31st birthday today, that was a great gift to recieve and all thanks goes to God:)

Day 22

Well, today for breakfast I had two pieces of small sauages, a piece of toast and a glass of water. For lunch I ate a 6inch subway sandwhich and two peanut butter cookies, and a glass of kool-aid. I walked in the afternoon, because I slept during my morning walk (I gotta get to bed early) so I missed it. Dinner I had a piece of grilled pork chorp, mexican rice, stewed tomatoes, green beans and a glass of kool-aid and yes it was portion sized and I am

I did fairly well, today and seeing that I lost 5pounds really pumped me up. I am walking alot and I gotta get in some other kinds of excersie, I will have to make myself. I seriouly wanna get in my jump rope and jogging, so I am gonna make myself do it. I can't allow my flesh to win, I tell it what to do and all these years I have been allowing it to control me and no more. I am 31 years old now and this weight will come off before 32, I am determined and by the grace of God it will happen. I am taking care of his temple and I know he will not leave me alone in this battle. That is what makes my God so good. My target weight for next weekend is 4 pounds or more. I am gonna push myself to be at least at the 200 mark before Christmas. This has been a great day and I thank God for another year to do his will.

I can do all this through him who gives me strength......Philippians 4:13


Monday, July 2, 2012

Day Fifthteen

Well, I already see that my weekends are keeping me out of rountine of this new life. I gotta find a way to keep the vibe going of working out though and even on the weekend as well as eating right. I did so poorly and I hate to see what the scale will say in the morning. I will be happy if I lost or even if I am still in the same spot verses gaining. This is another week and I am gonna keep on pushing.

Day 15

This moring I had two boiled eggs, a piece of taost and a glass of water. I got in my morning walk and then for lunch I ate some watermelon. I did my afternoon walk and then my dinner consisted of a grilled chesses balona saddwhich a peach and a glass of water. Not much a meal, but it was

I am still in the mood of determination with this weight loss. I plain to get this accomplished, because it seems as if other things in my life that I want to complete seem to be hard at completing and I know it is nothing, but the enemy, because God said the we can do all things that strengthens him. So getting this weight off will be something, that I complete. I am determined to still work on this temple.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day Tweleve

Can you say Hooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttt, it is very hot in Georgia and today I think really topped it,104 degrees. I thank God so much for the sunshine and I know he controls the weather and I am letting him work. Lord, I am praying for some rain and if I can send my request, a week of rain would be wonderful. I know it would cut into my work, but Lord you will supply my needs. I thought about not having access to air condition and some people don't have that and some can't afford it. I even thought about the people on the streets. It really saddens me to think, that here I am with air and a shelter over my head and people tend to complain about all the uncalled for things. I am truly thankful that God has blessed me and I am more thankful, that the holy spirit brings it all back to my remembrance. I pray that God will provide give us all the some cool weather.

Day 12

Well woke a little earlier today, and I ate two small boiled eggs, a piece of toast and a glass of water. I didn't walk today, due to the heat and later on I got a little lazy. I did however do a some streches and I walked on the tredmill for about 15 mins. For lunch I ate a lasage smart one with a glass of kool-aid. I got a little hungry before dinner and I ate a peach. For dinner, I ate six pieces of fried chicken wings, they were the half wings, small portion of mixed veggies, small portion of yellow rice and stewed tomoatoes. I had a glass of kool-aid with the meal and water.

Yes, my dinner was I still gotta take it easy if I wanna meet my target weight. I am so proud of me I worked out a whole week and I ate right. All praises goes to God, I know that this has been all of him. I am entering into the weekend and I will stand strong, by the grace of God. The weekends cam be a challenge for me, when it comes to the eating and exercing, but I am determined to let God lead me on through as he is doing now. Gotta keep going for my this temple:)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day Eleven

Praises goes all to God. I woke in pain and, well as a female these pains are common. Usually, I can't even do anything when this time comes around. I know that it was by the the grace of God only, because I managed to still go on with my day. Only God is all I can say:)

Day 11

Well, for breakfast I ate three pieces of sausage halves very small, that were baked, a piece of toast, and a peach with a glass of water. I took my normal walk, but I also jogged for about ten minutes(short but hey, I am still and it didn't feel bad. Lunch I ate a tuna to go and had a glass of water. My afternoon excersise consisted of taking photos, that required alot of movement and cleaning my church. For dinner, I got some Mickey D's. I had a quater pounder with cheese, medium tators and medium sprite.

I felt like I didn't eat to bad today, but I am praying that next week I am 4 pounds lighter of even more. So I gotta be carful with the food. God is still working with this temple, so I am letting him have his way. I didn't get in my jump roping, but there is always tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day Ten

A long wonderful day today, I am so thankful that God carried me through another day of this process, that I am going through. I know that I am not done and he is about to do somethings, that not even I will be able to understand.

Day 10

  Today, I got my day started with the word of God, I want my God to do somethings in my life, so yes I am going to put him before all that I do. Breakfast, I ate about a cup full of cheerioes with 2 percent milk. For my lunch, I had my left other 6 inch sub from yesterday and I had a bottle water with it. I got in my first walk, a second day this week...Yay me. I also did my second walk and each walk was about 25 minutes(I will build up at my pace). For dinner, I ate three piceces of half of a chicken wing, which is like a wing and a half, yellow rice, stewed tomatoes and a peach. I also had another bottled water. Well, I am pround of myself because I wanted so bad to eat me some fried wings, but I fought the temptation, proud of me:)

 Well, I gotta get in some jump rope time tomorrow, because I wanted to start this week and I may even try and do some jogging. I also want to start on my situps and other excerise before bed. I gotta keep my body going. I am gonna win this battle of weight lose and get back in good health. My body is God's temple and I am gonna treat it better. I know that this is my season for a new temple:)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day Nine

Well, I have not recorded my others days so I will start here at day nine. This has been a great day, I can tell that my body is trying to adjust to changes, because the soreness is no joke. My weekend eating habits were not bad. I didn't pig out or over eat, but I didn't get in any exercises, well not my normal exercises. I was however on the move a lot so  I guess that was my workout. Especially my Photo Session on Saturday, I had one year old and he was very busy so he gave me a workout. Then on Sunday, my family had a reunion and I was on the move taking pictures. So I yes, I did get some exercise in. The biggest news I received today was that I lost three pounds. It isn't a lot, but it is better than nothing and I am so glad because I wouldn't lose anything. So now I know what I am doing isn't bad, but I know now to do better. I thank God so much for the motivation, that he has given me and I know that this journey is only gonna get better. I can have to also record that some things in my life were weighing a little heavy on n my heart and I thank God for giving me a peace of mine. I haven't once thought of those things this week. God is in the healing business and I thank him for healing me.

Day 9

 Today, I ate two boiled eggs, and two hash browns for breakfast, with a bottle of water. I didn't get my morning exercise in, but I walked in the afternoon. For lunch I had a 6 inch sub sandwich with two peanut butter cookies and a bottle of water.  Dinner I had a piece of grilled pork chop that I put on the foreman grill and mixed veggies and a bottle water. A little after I had some low fat popcorn.

So yeah I gotta work harder, because my target weight loss for next week is four pounds. I am gonna get in some jump rope time. I am also gonna cram my two times a day workouts. Well, looking forward to tomorrow:)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day Four

Okay, this was another great day and I thank God so much for it. Today, I attended the Museum of Arts and Sicence in Macon Georgia, with the pre-teen girls in my Church. Wow, it was so fun and interesting and I totally enjoyed myself and after thinking I was gonna just be sitting in the house all week long, this was a blessing for me to even go. I will be sharing pictures soon.

Day 4

Well, this morning, I spent time with God and I am coming close to the end of Job. I want to fully understand it. So I am gonna read it again once I am done. For breakfast today I had grits, two small pieces of saugues, a banana and a glass of water. For luch, we ended up going to mcdonalds. I got a cheese burger and a medium fire and a sprite (so bad I know and I felt bad a little, and the food really wasn't good) to drink. I didn't get a proper workout today, but walking all over the Museum was good on a workout.  My leg was very sore, and I know that walking as I do was out of hand for me.I had a small bottle water while headed back. I wanted to get in more water, well I got in more than I did yesterday...Yay I slipped up and when it came time for dinner, while waiting I ate a grab bag of cheddar chips. Then for dinner I had four samll fried chicken stripes, corn and a glass of sprite(okay not so good on the water) and that was it. Well, tomorrow it is time to get back on track again.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day Three

This has been a great day, and I made it over what we call the hump. I found myself a little tempted by the enemy, but I kept going. I think that, I am on my way, but I am still just beginning.

Day 3

Well, this morning I woke and I spent time with God reading in his word and preparing my day. I had two boiled eggs and a piece of toast and a glass of water for breakfast. Sadly, I didn't do a morning workout, but that is okay, I will challenge that tomorrow. For lunch, I had a sub sandwich from subway and two peanut butter cookies (okay cookies shouldn't have been and a glass of water. I pulled in a little studying after lunch, I am working on these word problems. I have to pass my math test so that I can get in school. That is one of my struggles and I need to get through this. So I am determined to fight this and with the help of God all things are possible.  I took my walk today with my brother, who is my walking buddy. I enjoy walking with him, because he motivates me. Tomorrow, I plan on walking a little longer, because after today's walk. I found myself not as tired as the other two days.For dinner, I had 2 small beef patties grilled (on the foreman grill, yes I love that with corn and carrots left over from the other day and I had a glass of kool aid, which I am gonna avoid next time. If I have to rate my eating today, I don't know what to say, but I am praying that once I go back and weigh myself on next Tuesday I will have lost some pounds.

My goals for tomorrow is to include more water. I am really not a big liquid drinker, but I need to do water of all things. Add more fruit, and some green veggies. Morning exercises, I think I might add some sit ups or something. Walk for a longer time. I plan to stay even more in tune in the presence of God. I am helping with the preteen girls on a trip tomorrow. I haven't been around that age group much, so I am excited to see how God will use me on this trip. I will also get some exercises in with them. Looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me tomorrow.

Day Two

What a beautiful morning I feel the present of the Lord all around. I figured I would post what day 2 was like, beginning that I failed to yesterday.

Day 2

Well, I actually got up and I fixed me some cereal for breakfast and it was only like a cup full. I then rested a little and I went right to the spending my time with God. I am reading in this book of Job. Job went through a lot and I am going through somethings as well and what better way to recover from a matter, than to hear what another went through and how they overcame. Although, his struggles were far greater than mine. I know that if God pulled him through, he will do the same for me. I then for lunch had the left over carrots, yellow rice and small pieces of chicken breast along with a glass of water. The portions were small. Instead of walking in the a.m. I walked at six. I also must confess that I had a bag of Cheetos's (not suppose to have, but I pressed on. Dinner I had a cup of corn and more carrots(still gotta get the fruit in and leave the carrots alone) and I had a grilled piece of pork chop, which I put on the Foreman Grill and I drunk a glass of sprite. That filled me up alone and no snacks after, I must say that I did well. I am gonna include fruits and more water for the rest of the week. Thank God for getting me through yet another day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A New Plan

  I decided to do something different with my life. It seems as if I reached a hard time, that a lot of people will go through in life and instead of having pity or allowing depression, to sink in on me. I have decided to fight all of that before it even attempts to hit me. I am  starting a new schedule for myself, since I have nothing but free time on my hand.

  I am focusing on my life with God, I am a Christian so I have to represent God. That has really slacked and I know that it is the reason why I am having such a hard time in life now. For me, and I can't speak for anyone else, but for me not having God's word in me daily is like a drug to me and I need it, if I don't stay in tune in his word, then I can't function and rehab want help. I am getting on board and staying in tune on his word like I should. I want a better life and without God, that is totally impossible.
I am focusing more on my weight, and yes I am serious this time, I am almost thirty-one and I want to get this weight out before I get older. Not to mention carrying extra weight has gotten me to the point to where I don't want to do anything. I hate the feeling and the lack of energy, I am not proud of, my body is a temple of God. I can't do all that he requires for me to do, if I keep destroying my body.
 While I tackle these task, I am gonna stay prayed up, because I know that I need my helper to make it through these trying times. The word of God says that I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength.  There is no excuse for me  not be able to tackle all that I desire. I am putting it all in Gods hands and I am gonna let him go ahead of me. I don't care to have my photos taken, but I think for this journey and as I shed the pounds I will post some images, if I don't chicken out. Here is what day one and two was like.


I started off slow, but I am somewhat proud of myself. I am telling myself, that If I slip off, just to keep going. I woke at the time I wanted to. I ate breakfast which I thought was a little unhealthy, but not to bad. I had two boiled eggs, two small pieces of sausage and a glass of water. It was good, but I need to make it more healthier than I did a few strecthes shortly after and took a walk, but not to long of a walk, I started out slow so I only did a twenty minute walk. (Remember I am totally out of shape, so I am not gonna try and climb a mountain on my start out this walk really proved to me, that I need to keep it up. I have decided that each week I will walk longer than normal distance.
For lunch I had a balona sandwich and a glass of water. Not much I know, but hey I didn't even put the mayo on the sandwich. Some hours after that I went walking again for the same amount of time and then later for dinner, I put two small chicken thighs on the Foreman Grill. I had a small amount of yellow rice and I had some steamed carrots and a glass of sprite. I thought this wasn't to bad, but results will only Later I had a popcorn for a snack, which had light butter on it. I think my day of eating was good for me, compared to how it usually would have been, trust The only thing I didn't commit much to was reading the word of God like I planned. I will have to cut out something, so that is hindering me form that time. This was the first day and I don't think it was to bad.