Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Great day today,I guess you can say, I am blessed to still be here, alive and well and looking ahead and not back. God is still working in my life daily and I just have to continue letting him work. I was so hungry today and I wanted more than what I had today or shall I say I wanted food, that was bad for me, but because of the grace of God. I fought that temptation and I am proud of me. I will have to not slack on my weekends, because it messes with my whole week. God is in control and I thank him for that, because. I can't do this thing alone. I also find myself not spending enough time in his word, I have allowed the Internet to consume a a lot of my time. I will have to cut back on Internet world and get in my time with God as well as Math time. We always want God to do a work in our lives, well we too have to show ourselves approved.

Day 30

Breakfast:two small pieces of sausages, piece of toast and a glass of water
Lunch: small amount of chicken noodle soup, five saltines and a glass of kool-aid
Snack: a few rasians
Dinner: two small baked chicken legs, small portion of mac and cheese, small portion of green beans, half glass of kool-aid and a glass of water.

I got my jog in this morning after breakfast. I timed myself and it is bad, but it is a start. I jog at the space of the light poles. It was only a minute jog and considering the length of the poles if you ask me as a start out. I am impressed, that I lasted a minute...lol. So I jog the space of the poles and walk some and jog some more. I only do it walking down my walking trail. My challenge will be to do it going down as well as coming up. I will do it at my pace, because actually as I was jogging today, I was less tired than before, so that is a good sign. So I am gonna challenge myself to jog a little longer tomorrow if it doesn't rain. I had to get on my treadmill tonight and I didn't want to, because I rather be out walking in nature, but hey God had to take care of the outside world and I am thankful for the rain. I treaded until I sweated and I forgot to time myself. That is becoming a habit so looks like I will have to pull out the watch. Well, I am  gonna keep working on my temple.

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