Monday, March 28, 2011

Being friends with Jesus!!!

 How to start this one here, well lets see...wait I know..I have to thank God and give him praise for him being worthy, and forgiven and not being like man, thank you so much God for all that you do and continue to do in my life. Thank you so,so, so much for being a real friend. You know how long I have longed for and wanted a friend on this earth. Even going so far as  be friending people on my own, not even knowing that I could and should  seek you on the matter. When all  alone, you were there, just waiting for me to let you use me. You gave me your word and that was proof enough to let me know, that you had my back. It took a long time for me to understand why, I still couldn't find a real friend and I tried to avoid the whole matter and not even let it enter as a problem and I even prayed about it and I know, that you just want me to keep waiting on you. It is all so clear and that is what I shall do and that is wait.
 I am so glad that tonight topic in my cell group was Being friends with Jesus from the Purpose Driven Life book. I am so glad to know that he truly calls me friend. We often forget that, Jesus is our best friend, nothing that you say or do goes unnoticed to him at all. It gets no better than him really. You can speak to him all day and he want ignore you. He is patient and honest with you and knows all of your dirt, and never will he judge you. As long as he calls me his friend, nothing else really matters to me. Advice to all, who reads this, that have accepted Christ as your lord and savior. Before making any moves in your life and I don't care what it is, seek him and wait before making any movements. This thing is so real, and I refuse to go through it again. I got off the topic from the book some what, but I had to share.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

God Has Spoken For His Child

  I wanted to post this blog about one of the dearest people that I was very close to and I really appreciated. This is my cousin Martha Ray Traylor. Not many people can be caring and helping, but I always say that, about her, because she was like one of the few people that I could feel at peace with on keeping Derrice when he was living. He liked being around her too, because each time he was around her, he was happy. It was very good to know that, while I was out in the world, letting the enemy lead me, she gave her life to Christ. I thought, that was really good, because I knew that God would provide for her. It was a surprise to learn that the doctors had found cancer in her body. Although, at first she was scared, which I know many are when they learn they have cancer. She learned to come to terms with it and I feel in my heart, she just gave it to God. She even carried herself as if God was taking control of this matter. You would have thought she was fine. Once in the hospital,  I visited her and asked her how was she feeling,she mentioned she couldn't wait to get out  the hospital,so she could go to Cato's to shopping. I knew then that she had really given her matter to God.
  Many people are hurting right now and it is normal to hurt, after you've lost a loved one. I didn't want to lose her, but God will was done in her life. People have to remember, that it is so important to live their life right and with God. So that they can get to where their loved ones are that knew Christ and if they have to give up things, then give them up. Our main goal is to know God and get to heaven. I think people should all just ask God to help them change their sinful ways and start trying to let him help them live the way he wants them to live and not the way, that they want to live. That's why as a Christian I am so glad, God ways are not like ours, it would be a mess.
   I also know that during these time, many people are quick to bring up the name of God and then in turn once the pain is all gone, they forget his name until something else tragic happens. I use to get so upset about this, but I had to stop, because I couldn't give the enemy the glory. My job as a Christian is to pray for the ones, that does this, because one good thing about it all, is that they know who to call on for help. So I just pray that, they will not only call out to God for help, but call on his name to save them and for him to come into their heart. I had to type all that, because it was on my heart.
   Cancer is something serious and some can fight and some can't and I have heard several times, that their is a cue for it, but I don't go on hear say. I go on what God says. I encourage every warrior of Christ to keep praying against the deadly disease. I also would like to encourage everyone who hasn't gotten a check up from your doctor, to do so. Most importantly, remember man can only guess what he sees, but God has the finally prediction. Martha Ray didn't deserve to die, but I don't question God, but I am thankful that he allowed me, to get to know another one of his creation. I will hold on to her memory and I want say rest in peace, because I know that she is enjoying what earth needs and that's heaven. Love ya!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


 What a great weekend, I once again had a busy day, Saturday was very busy for me. I was so sore, from Friday workout, that I didn't even get to go and see Jennifer do her very first 5k. The soreness of my legs, were really getting to me. I knew, she would do great and she ended up finishing at 29minutes. That was very good and I pray that I will be able to finish at a time like that when I do mine as well, I planned to do it in May, but I am not at all preparing myself, like I planned.
 Saturday, breakfast for me was very healthy and then I slipped up and got a pan pizza and after that, all the healthy taste buds, just went out the window for me. I missed my workout and I hadn't really been in the mood to do anything since Friday. It is also following into this week as I see and it is not good. I gotta push myself even harder now for real.
 I received news on my cousin, who has cancer very bad. It has spreaded and she's gone to a 24 hour care place. It is so sad, and my heart goes out to her and I was so worried about her this weekend, and I know that, that is one reason, I wasn't in the mood to workout or anything. She just needs rest right now and I give her to God and I say, let him have his way with her. I really feel drawn to her, because she was another person, that my brother was comfortable around when he was living. One thing about this, is that we can't stop living our lives, because of sadness and wonders of why, does these things has to happen. We have to just keep trusting God and know that he has a plan and everything is in his hands.
  I have moved the 5k to August, I think that, I can be ready physically and emotionally by then. I have to build back up, my courage I had of getting this weight off and staying encouraged, through the process, I think a lot of people go through these same stumbles, when trying to lose weight. I know that, I can get back on track and I will, no matter how I am tempted. I can do all things through Christ and I am going to keep that mindset. So I will get back on track and take God with me all the way. I can do this!!!!!!
  I also visited the nursing Home Saturday with some of the ladies, from my singles group and this was very nice. It is getting better each time I go to talk to the elderly and to just encourage them and uplift them. One lady, I can't remember her name, but she is 90 years old, can you imagine making it to 90 and she looked as if she wasn't even that old. She talked about where she had been before going to the home and how she is doing now in the home. It was very encouraging to just listen to her talk, and I was lead to pray for her life that God has blessed her with and just healing her body. She was talking about how, she knows its getting time for her to die. I reassured her that only God knows the finally hour of your life. I prayed that if God gave Abraham, such a healthy life in his old age and he lived so long, she could live as long as well, this was such a great time to pray and I enjoyed meeting her. There were also two other ladies, Miss Lynn who is 49 and Mrs. Christine who is also 90. Lynn has a birth defeat, that is kinda the syndrome of a water head baby, but she was able to talk and give normal conversations with you. She was such a sweet heart. Then Mrs. Christine she was losing sight and her ability to hear, due to old age. She could hear you, but you had to talk very loud, so that she could hear you. Mrs. Christine's daughter was in with her as well, she told us a lot about her mom and even some about Miss Lynn. It was so good to meet them and I enjoyed my time there, I will post photos later. Well, I guess that includes all I have to type right now!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Okay, so I have yet to weigh myself, but I am feeling so good and not so full and stuffed all the time. I am getting into clothes, that had gotten tight in the past. This really encourages me and just gives me the strength I need to keep going and not give up. I have like two more weeks before my weigh in and I want to see a good change in lose. I had to share this because I am so happy about how God is changing my body. I will continue to keep him with me through this part of my life and no matter what results I get at a weigh in, his name will be praised and honored, because he he created me and this body I am carrying. Our bodies are the temples of God and we need to treat them with respect.

 So update with the 5k, I have decided to start training for it next week, since my schedule has been off and I couldn't start on Monday, like I wanted to, but I will get there and I am not ready for the pain, but I was so proud, that in the gym yesterday, I pushed myself into doing some painful abs exercise and I still can't believe I did forty of them, and that just encouraged me to push on through the pain and go on and get done, what I need to get done. Back to the 5k, so I have asked a few people to run with me or just come out and support me, I got a few and I am gonna post an invite on facebook, so I am hoping more will join. Most people runs a 5k for something and I just wanted to run one, because I wanted to accomplish something, but I thought about something else to run for. I also thought about running for my brother and how he lived a good life. Then a friend mentioned I should run for him and she had no ideal, that thought had crossed my mine. So I am gonna run for him and the life that was giving to him, which man predicted would be short, but God had his own predation, so this run will be for him and to just to be thankful that God is still keeping me. So May 21, will be the official date.

 This weekend is gonna be very interesting, the singles will be going to the nursing home to do some ministering to the elderly and just showing them some love, I am gonna be taken some pictures. I was also asked to do some ministering in a neighborhood and I am a little nervous about that, but I just might try it, because I want to and need to spread, the good news and being a Christian, that is what I am suppose to be doing. I will give a update on the outcome of that, well I wanted to give a update, so more to come later

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I gotta make a shedule!!!

The workout process is still flowing and I am still loving it, all my life the workout was never really the issue, it was the food. It seems as if I have cut back which is great, but the times I eat are really off. I am gonna committe to placing myself on a shedule. Due to the nice weather, that God has blessed us with, it has encouraged me to get outside and do some walking or some type of excercise outside. I love going to the gym and I will continue to go, but I am gonna try and stay devoted to at least three to four times a week at the gym. I have to also add, that I am gonna attempt to run a 5k in may. Key word here is "attempt" Seriously, I want to do this, and not for any event or anything, but just for me. I haven't accomplished much I would like to have, but I think this will be somthing that I will look forward to and a challenge for myself. In the end I wanna  be able to say that I did this and of course with God by my side. So I am gonna be getting ready to prepare myself for that also, so....Yay Me!!!
   So this week will be basically getting that together and  first and formost I will be praying that everything will work out for the good of God. I have found myself being so busy, that I am not given God the proper time that is due to him. He still loves me and he is still keeping me alive and well, but I feel, that if I can give more of my time to other things. Things that he created, then I can give him all the time that is required to him. I don't want to just do this, to just be doing it. I am doing this so that I can be alert  and ready for what is about to do in me. It is good to have him in my life. I don't know what I would do without him.
  I also have to include my photo process in on this, because it requires my time as well and alot of it, might I I did a shoot yesterday of a mom and her son, they are members of my church, but more like friends to me. They are the nicest mother and son and I enjoyed my time with them. I was asked to do a wedding, that will fall on my birthday, how cool is that, I am excited and nervous at the same time. I will go into details on that later. I also will be doing a few prom photos and and engagment session alone with a wedding reception. I am really just taking God with me on this photo journey, that he's given me. I want him to keep working from behind the lens of my camera. He is really blessing my small business and all honor and glory goes to him.
 I have to end this now being that it is one a.m. and I have to get up at six. I leave with this thought I want to be a good steward and do all I need to do for the kingdom of God and not worry about what I don't have. He's my father and he will supply my needs, use that thought and live by it, because I am.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Feeling It!!!

Well, let me just say I am so sore, at the gym last night, we worked on some Abs workout and I am so so sore, I feel the tightness in my stomach. This is something I gotta keep at just like the machines. I know this will get better for me and I want give up. I however, for some reason has been not eating right and nor have I been eating a lot, if that make since. Well, what I mean is that I have been eating some days after the workout and I don't think that, that is a good ideal, but this upcoming week, my goal is to get my meal in before workout and then after, I will grab some fruit or something. I am gonna stay on this thing people and I an not gonna give up. I didn't mention, but I have to get in my these two dresses I bought last summer. I can wear the dresses, but I don't like the way, they fit to me and women you feel me on that, but my goal is to have them fitting the way I want before Easter, so I gotta keep it going and with God helps, I know that I will keep going.

I wanted to add about the Japan quake from yesterday, it was so sad to hear about and my heart and prayers go out to all who have lost someone. I know that we are living in our last days and this is what is spoken in the last days, but to see it taking place, is just so sad. I thank about all the ones who died, that didn't know God. What a sad thing to occur, one moment your breathing and then the next your lifeless.We as Christians really need to start spreading the good news, so that other lives can be saved. I am speaking on myself as well, I don't spread the good news enough either. I am so thankful that God is watching over my family, I got a real scare yesterday because of my two cousins, that were both up in that area of the quake. God is so good, one of them were on a ship out in the ocean and his boat had just docked, now if that isn't God, you tell me who it was, God is so good.
Well, I will be posting more another day, be blessed!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

God is still working!!!

 Well, God is still doing great things in my life as well as for others around me, because he is keeping us all alive. I don't know what God is about to do with me, but I do know that it is good. I wanted to update on my weight progress, I have joined a gym that I have become in love with and I really feel the progress taking I really love working out I am gonna keep that apart of my life. I thought I would struggle with the food, but even that is falling into place and I know that it is all God. I have yet to weigh myself , I don't want to get discouraged, with the weekly thing, so I have decided to just do it monthly. God even worked the payment out so that I could afford to keep the membership, he is so so good.

I am still working with the kids and enjoying my time with them, it seems like It was just yesterday, I first started on a job basically where I am not being stressed or treated like a I am less of a person. I thank God for all the other jobs I went through, because I know I had to go through all that, to get away from something that had me bound. I will be moving on from this job soon as well and I know that God has something else waiting for me and it will be even better.  I just wanted to do a small update, and so excited about what God is doing and about to do in my life.